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What is Texting Base?
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Can you guarantee delivery of a message?
How is Texting Base different than other mass texting services?
Do I need a new number to work within Texting Base?
Can I forward messages to my phone?
Can I send a single text?
Can I have a back and forth conversation with people I text?
Am I limited to a certain number of messages?
Will you contact my people?
How long does it take to get set up?
Where does Texting Base work?
How can I download the app?
Why do I need a new number?
Do you have international coverage?
What’s the ROI on Texting Base for my business?
I already have a cell phone, why would I need Texting Base?
Can I run my own campaigns?
Does Texting Base work with all cell phones and carriers?
How do I access your system to check texts?
Can I have more than one account?
Do you resell my data?
Do you have toll free numbers for texting?
Can I choose a number that looks local to me?
Can I find a vanity number?
How do I choose a new number?
What happens if someone calls the new number?
Does Texting Base adjust to my time zone?
How is Texting Base different than other mass texting services?